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Day 41

Gatsby & Wordpress

I have never done any Wordpress development on linux before, this should be interesting.

Local by flywheel - This app had a nearly 100% pain free installation. I got one minor error, which ended up being an issue with port 80. Other than that I was able to install and have a Wordpress example site up and running locally in nearly notime.

Gatsby Wordpress - gatsby-source-wordpress

There is link to a nicely thorough post about why we should be using dotenv

After install gatsby-source-wordpress, and copying the example gatsby-config settings from the plugin page. I present to you

GraphiQL Wordpress Data

And while we’re mucking about, lets play with GraphiQL.

GraphiQL allWordpressPage query

There we have it for today, new Wordpress local site, new Gatsby site and a new gatsby plugin.